How to Find Cheap Hotels in California

How to Find Cheap Hotels in California

California, the home to the rich and famous. And also the expensive hotels. Here is a guide from my past experience on how to find a cheap and comfortable Californian hotel.


  1. Choose your area. If your going to California for Disney Land, Anaheim is the place to be as it is close by and has a good choice of hotels. It is also close to many restaurants and not far from Hollywood and the beaches.
  2. Check out an online Trip Advisor. Trip Advisor lets you search any hotel in the world and lets people who have been before rate it and leave comments. This can tell you if it is worth the money.
  3. Look for inexpensive hotel rooms. If you're going to be out all day and only using the Hotel as a bedroom, Holiday Inn or a motel is perfect. The rooms have everything you need, but are a lot cheaper then your high end hotel.
  4. Look Around. Don't be afraid to make inquiries at hotels and motels to find which one is the cheapest and suits your needs.

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